Top Ten Natural Laxatives

Top Ten Natural Laxatives

Bowel movements are very necessary for a good and a healthy stomach. It reduces the chances of constipation and makes you feel fit and fine. We present you the list of top ten Natural Laxatives.

1. Sugar-Free gum

One of the best natural laxatives is sugar free chewing gum. This contains sorbitol which is a sweetener and is a laxative. Excess consumption of this chewing gum is also not advisable as this is absorbed by the small intestine and can cause serious health issues like stomach pain and diarrhoea. Few people also use this as a stress buster, but excess of this chewing gum should be prohibited.

2. Water

This is one of the best and most natural laxatives. Water helps your body to function properly and maintain the level of moisture in the body. It also helps in softens stools and prevent your body from dehydration. It is advisable to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Foods that include water is also a natural laxative, water melon and lettuce are some best examples in this.

3. Exercise

Exercise is the best way to keep your body fit and active. Lack of exercise can lead to many health issues and also constipation. Exercise helps your muscles to remain flexible, if you are sitting for a long time and doing your work, please take some erratic breaks and stretch your body. It will help in making it flexible and active.

4. Prunes

Prunes are very famous fruit that helps to deal with the constipation. These are small purple wrinkled fruit which is sweet in taste. Prunes are rich in Potassium and Vitamin A and are often used as a domestic remedy for constipation. Prunes are also one of the healthiest fruit to eat and it also helps to reduce the level of cholesterol and risk of many serious diseases like cancer and heart diseases. Prunes are also rich in fiber, five prunes per day will give you a very good result.

5. Coconut Water

Coconut water is very healthy and good for health. Coconut water helps in increasing semen and improves digestion. It also helps in clearing of the urinary path. Coconut water also has a good effect on the cholesterol level in body. It doesn’t allow the formation of atherosclerosis in the body. The list of benefits of drinking coconut water is very big, it also helps in reducing the fluid pressures in the eyes. Drinking coconut water in excess is also not advisable.


6. Legumes, Beans & Peas

Legumes, beans and Peas are few vegetables which are into the top laxatives. These vegetables are very low in fat and also reduce the level of cholesterol. If we combine one of the three vegetables in a mixture of grain it will give a positive effect on body. The combination will be rich enough in the amino acids which is very essential for body.

7. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a very old medicine plant which is used for different purposes. Leafs of aloe Vera plant is filled with gel, the water level in the gel is found as 99%. The component in Aloe Vera leaf contains 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 75 nutrients, 18 amino acids and much more. Aloe Vera is majorly used for treating skin problems and wounds. People also drink the juice of Aloe Vera as it is very good for health and is a natural laxative.

8. Nuts

Nuts are very useful and healthy food and they are also very rich in fiber. There are different types of nuts, almonds are rich in omega tree fatty acids. These are high in calories and could also increase your weight, so excess of nuts is also not advisable. If you consume 4 to 8oz of nuts everyday you will get a positive outcome.

9. Whole Grains

Whole grains is majorly rich in fiber, the amount of fiber in this is quite high. This is one of the best natural laxatives. You can consume it in different styles according to your taste, whole grains can be prepared as brown rice and people who like cereals could also consume this as per their taste. Various products like oatmeal and grain breads also contain the whole grain and can be effectively used to keep the bowels moving in right direction.

 10. Beets

Beets are very effective as natural laxatives. For the movement of bowels, beets are good enough. It is present in many vegetables and gives the outcome on a very hasty speed. Beets present in cabbage are commendable in producing the bowel movement. Glut consumption of beets could also lead to reddish urine and stool.

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