Tips to Prevent Your Face from Acne

Tips to Prevent Your Face from Acne

Fed up from pimples, wanted to get rid of them. It’s not impossible, you just have to follow some simple steps and take some precautions and your face will be pimple free. Having pimples on your face is a very common issue in today’s life, this is because of some carelessness you follow in your day to day life. We present you some tips how to prevent yourself from acne.

 1.       Keep your face clean

Keeping your face clean is the best way to prevent your face from Acne. Always wash your face at least twice a day whether you have acne or not. This will help in removing the dirt particles, dead skin cells, impurities etc. Washing your face more than two times is also not advisable as it may do more harm than good. Always wash your face with a meek face wash or facial cleanser as it will not hurt your skin. Washing your face with a hard soap can affect your facial skin. Do not apply a hard scrub on your face as it contains chemical and can cause acne.

2.       Moisturize

Most of the acne products are having chemicals that can dry your skin. Apply proper moisturizer on your face so that it can remove the dryness and prevent skin peeling. Always use facial creams which contain “noncomedogenic” as these creams does not cause acne. Always maintain a normal level of moisture on your skin, more oily face can also cause acne on your skin.

3.       Try an over-the-counter acne product

The acne prevention creams need not require a doctor prescription. These creams contain salicylic acid, lactic acid, benzoyl peroxide and glycolic acid as their major ingredients which can dry or even burn your skin. So always start with a cream with less percentage of all these chemicals so that it will not affect your skin. If you have a sensitive skin then these high dosage creams can cause more acne.

4.       Use makeup sparingly

Using a lot of makeup can also cause pimples on your skin. Avoid using a lot of foundation, powder and blush, wash your face properly to remove the extra makeup by the end of the day. It is advisable to go for oil-free cosmetics which do not contain dyes and chemicals. Cleaning your face properly will surely help you in getting rid from the pimples.


5.       Oily Hairs

If your hair is oily and it is coming on your face, it can block the pores on your skin and cause acne. If your hair contains dandruff which is falling on your face it can also irritate your skin and can cause pimples. Oily hairs makes you face oily which covers the pores on your face and can cause pimples. So always clean up your hairs properly and avoid them to come over your face.

6.       Keep your hands off your face

Avoid excessive touching your face from your hands, by not doing this the bacteria on your hands will spread out on your face also which can inflamed your facial skin also and can cause acnes. If you already have pimples on your face don’t touch it with your hand as it will increase the infection and can lead to scaring. Touching the pimples or popping it can cause scars and also  spread infection on your face which can result in some more pimples.

7.       Stay away from the sun

If your skin is sensitive then you should always avoid the presence of sun, as the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays can lead to soreness and redness. If you are using any acne cream make sure that the chemicals present in it can make your skin more sensitive. Always apply sunscreen creams with SPF 30 or higher before going out in the sun.

8.       Feed your skin properly

Don’t eat more oily food or junk food as it can cause pimples on your skin. Always go for health or fresh food, eat more fruits it will keep your metabolism clean and make your skin more healthy and pimple free. It’s a misconception that eating more chocolates can cause pimples, but eating excess chocolates can cause you other health problems.

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