The concept of Flower Essence Therapy


Momentous changes in the medical sciences have revolutionized the healthcare sector. Medical scientists have found cures for even the most life-threating of all diseases including cancer. But in spite of these improvements and innovations, the life expectancy of the people in the entire world is gradually decreasing (in age figures). What may be the reason? The major reason behind it is the altering eating habits of the youngsters, the degrading environment and last but definitely not the least, the increasing stress levels leading to depression.
People usually find cures to their mental and physical problems in allopathic medicines but, what if the same cure could be found in the vividly beautiful flowers that might kill the disease from the root? Yes, that’s possible. Flower essence therapy is the practice of making use of different flower essences to reestablish the balance between mind, body and spirit.

Flower Essence Therapy

Dr. Edward Bach, an English surgeon was the founder of the Flower essence therapy and a pioneer in understanding the connection between our emotional bodies and the physical health. The surgeon believed that the diseases or illnesses are subjective to imbalances within the body. Here, essences collected from the blooms of the flowering plants could be used in healing the physical and mental state of the individuals.
Flower Essences are gentle and fragrant, yet incredibly powerful form of botanical medicines.Flower essences are essentially used by various practitioners to cure emotional and spiritual imbalances within the body. They stimulate us to become optimistic and open-minded so that we can reach our full potential. Flower essences have been used for generations dating back to the ancient times to unlock the inner wisdom and essentially help in tackling the emotional and mental states which are often the strong contributing factors of almost all types of illnesses.

In the wake of globalization, individuals’ lives have become extremely stressful and medical science believes that it is the stressful lives that further contribute to increasing health problems in individuals. Here, if flower essences are included in their daily lives can be used to treat acute conditions, stress and anxiety,etc. ‘They can also be beneficial in the treatment of children, adults, pets and even plants!’

Now, moving on to the other uses of flower essences, flower essences can also support us with:

1. Letting go off any negative thoughts or trauma
2. Building self-esteem& confidence
3. Clearing life’s purpose & direction
4. Enhancing clarity & focus in life
5. Reestablishing a state of happiness & joy
6. Subsiding stress, worry, fear, irritability, anxiety & overwhelm
7. Liberating shame, guilt & sabotage

Flowers are alluring cherubs of nature that are not only a delight to the eye but also essentially useful for treating various imbalances within the body. So, don’t wait until the next morning and send flowers online to your loved ones and serve the dual purpose of making them healthy and happy at the same time by presenting colorful flowers to them.

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