Fed up With The Habit of Smoking!! Want to quit?

Quitting smoking is not an easy task. But few tricks make this goal possible. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of premature death. Ex-smokers live on average more years than smoking and reduce their risk of suffering from a cardiovascular disease, cancer or severe and disabling respiratory diseases. Worth stopping smoking at any age. The benefits are greater, the sooner you stop smoking.  So want to quit smoking and decide to do it are the most important steps. But put into practice requires effort and self-discipline. Some of these tips can help you to quit moking:

The most important is to choose a date for your first day without cigarettes. This day does not have to be a day of suffering. Make it a special occasion and look set to do something you like to entertain and relax.

You can choose two ways to quit smoking :

Immediate Stop: This should always be the first option. You stop smoking at once, ceasing completely overnight.
Gradual stop: You can use this method in two ways .

* Reducing the number of cigarettes. For this, you should only count the number of cigarettes smoked per day and spend the smoking fewer every day.
* Deferring the time smoking the first cigarette of the day. You’ll delaying the first cigarette by a predetermined number of hours each day until the day comes that you do not will smoke any cigarettes.
* If you choose to gradually stop should not spend more than two weeks in the process.

Keep in View!
Cigarette smoking low tar is not an alternative. They do so much harm to health as other cigarettes. Beware of miraculous methods to quit smoking. If in doubt, seek medical advice. Only a physician can evaluate the use of other methods, such as, for example, nicotine patches.

Rethink your routine: To break the associations that exist between smoking and your routine, you must plan activities to put “in place of the cigarette.” Think about what you could do to change your routine and seek different activities. You should keep your pleasures and leisure without smoking. In this initial period, however, it is best to avoid certain situations until you feel empowered to deal with them.

Focus on Exercises and other hobbies: Search start hiking, preferably in nice place . If you do not like to walk, find another exercise or sport that appeals to you. Fill your time with something you really enjoy doing. Dance, practice gardening, cook different dishes, go to the movies, museums, listen to music, dating, reading, hit chat with friends. The important thing is to take care of body and mind.

What can happen when you quit smoking: Keep an eye on the food. If hunger increase, do not be alarmed. It is normal for a weight gain of up to 2 pounds after quitting smoking because your palate gets better and your metabolism, normalizing. Anyway, try not to eat more than you’re used to. Avoid sweets and fatty foods. Maintain a balanced diet with low calorie foods, fruits, vegetables. To distract the hungry, suck mints or gum diet. Always drink plenty of fluids, preferably water and natural juices. Avoid coffee and alcohol. They can be an invitation to cigarettes. Look exchange them for tea and conquetéis no alcohol (such as fruits and tomatoes).

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