How to be Happy and Healthy: Follow Some Easy tips

Everybody wants to be happy and healthy. You have heard from many people saying that to be happy and healthy eat a balanced diet, do regular physical exercise and avoid smoking. But this alone is not enough to be healthy and happy. There are some simple steps mentioned by doctors who can make healthier and happier life by following some easy steps. Following are these steps  which anyone can follow to be happy and healthy:

1. Eat Healthy Food: To be healthy and happy you need to focus on your diet, you should take healthy diets. There are simple ways to add more healthy food in your daily diets  no sudden cuts in your daily diet. You can do it by adding more fruits, cereal or salads, and add some more tomato on the sandwich and you can opt for foods with low fat or no fat such as milk fat instead, it can be skimmed.

2. Practice Physical Exercise: Physical exercise plays an important role in keeping you healthy and happy. You don’t need to do a thousand sit ups daily, five hundred kilometers run and lift weights every day of the week. Be centered in your reality beginner, you can do some light exercises like running, skipping or swimming. Apart from this you can do some other exercises such as  performing a household task, such as gardening or a simple short walk. Know that only 40 minutes of aerobic activity three times a week, can increases sense of well being and improve immunity and memory.

3. Avoid any kind of addiction: If you want to be happy and healthy then you have to avoid the addiction which can be of any kind.  the cigarette, drink little alcohol, can be abandoned once and for all time. One can avoid overwork to eg working 18 hours at the computer, on the internet or playing. Everything which is too much is very bad and should be avoided to the maximum.

4. Drink lots of water: Drinking lots of water on regular basis helps us to be healthy and happy. Drink at least three cups of water in the morning and three in the afternoon. This decreases the cravings for sweets and also helps in the functioning of the body, making the body well hydrated.

5. Avoid junk food: Junk food causes so many problems to the health. So try to avoid these junk foods. The ideal is to consume fresh foods and homemade and avoid junk. The intention is to reduce the consumption of food as many preservatives, trans fats, artificial substances and excess sodium that are very bad for health.


6. Consume less salt: The diet should be of low salt and of low fat so that it could not to cause hypertension. Too much fat will also raise cholesterol and clog arteries, which will contribute to heart disease. So stay away from salt, your heart will thank you.

7. Walking barefoot in the sand: It has been claimed by some scholars that walking barefoot in the sand helps your body to discharge the static electricity accumulated in the body, like a way to release negative energy. It can be said that it’s a great way to massage the feet and have contact with nature in its most richly. If you can do this, do not expect much at starting but you can do as fast as you can then continue to practice regularly.

8. Keep good humor: Happiness interferes directly in the treatment of disease, you can’t imagine its helpful even in cancer. It is important to maintain an optimistic position relative to treatment because it improves the quality of life of patients. Depression on the other hand having too much negative impact on your body.

9. Make regular medical check up: Check up regularly is also important to prevent diseases. You can consult your physician on regular basis and do according to his instructions. Moreover if there is any physical problem, you can come to know by these medical check up and can take treatment on time.

10. Be organized: At work, you can try whenever possible to clean the drawers and can try to organize your office and desk. At home, if everything is squeaky clean, you will feel better and prevent further problems such as respiratory allergies. You need to do the same organization and always keep the environment clean in any condition or occasion.

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